Conformity is Corrosive (and Why Courage Rocks)

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Conformity is the road to never standing out.

Conformity is never unique.

Conformity is the music that sounds the same as the rest of the charts.

Conformity is the path to suppressed expression.

Conformity is how you will never change the world for the better, for anyone including you.

Conformity is how you will simply become the same as the rest.

It takes courage to break away from the crowd, to go your own way, to do the thing which may be seen unpopular or unusual.

It takes courage to say NO to that collaboration and the lucrative new opportunity when it doesn’t fit your bigger vision.

It takes courage to say NO when you truly do not have the personal capacity right now.

It takes courage to say NO when your collaborator doesn’t see it your way.

It takes courage to play another song when the crowd haven’t cheered to the set yet.

It takes courage not to indulge too much because it’s the easy way out, today.

It takes courage to do yet another re-write.

It takes courage to let go of it all for something you truly believe in.

It takes courage to give it a try.

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gillian holding November 3, 2010 at 4:00 PM

there are some really interesting ideas here which I completely empathise with. It’s probably been said by many people before, but truly the greatest risk in life is not taking risks.


rob November 3, 2010 at 4:19 PM

You make a good point about taking risks, thank you for connecting, Gillian.

I like your website and the emphasis on challenging assumptions and perceptions through art.

Look forward to learning more digital art as an opportunity to express and, hopefully, inspire.


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